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Emergency Shelter

(804) 458-2840

If this is an emergency, please call 911.

24/7 Hotline

As part of a state-wide network of accredited shelters, James House provides emergency shelter for women, men, and children in danger of domestic violence and sexual violence. We embrace the belief that all people deserve a life free from psychological, emotional, and physical abuse.

The shelter is a safe place for everyone regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, religion, color, race, ethnicity, creed, sexual orientation, national origin, age, mental/physical capabilities, and financial status. We respect the uniqueness of every individual staying with us and seek to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone who walks through our doors.

During your stay, our temporary emergency shelter provides survivors of domestic and sexual violence a safe environment with access to peer counseling, case management, and other forms of support and information to assist you in achieving independence. The basic assistance of food, clothing, baby supplies, and emergency transportation may also be provided as needed. Your stay is voluntary and by no means must you complete certain programs while sheltered.  Our services will remain open to you, confidentially and free of charge.

If you or somebody you know is in imminent danger due to domestic or sexual violence and is in need of a place to go, please call our 24/7 crisis hotline at 804-458-2840.

BUSINESS OFFICE: 804-458-2704
24/7 HOTLINE: 804-458-2840


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